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Keynote Presenters

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  Judith V. Jordan, Ph.D.

Raising Boys to Be Competent and Connected Men
Director,  Jean Baker Training Institute at the Wellesley Centers for Women
The Stone Center
Wellesley, MA

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Judith V. Jordan, Ph.D. is the Director of the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute at the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW). She has been a founding scholar and is one of the creators for the nationally recognized psychological theory known as Relational-Cultural Theory. In addition to her position at WCW, Dr. Jordan is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude from Brown University, she earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Harvard University where she received commendation for outstanding academic performance. She was the director of Psychology Training as well as the director of the Women's Studies program at McLean Hospital. For the past 20 years she has worked with her colleagues, the late Jean Baker Miller, the late Irene Stiver, and Jan Surrey on the development of what has come to be known as the relational-cultural model of development.

Dr. Jordan’s most recent book is  Creating Connection: A Relational Cultural Approach to Couples. She authored the book  Relational-Cultural Therapy  in 2010 as part of the American Psychological Association's "Theories of Psychotherapy" series. Judy co-authored the seminal book  Women's Growth in Connection  and edited  Women's Growth in Diversity,  The Complexity of Connection, and  The Power of Connection. She has published over forty original reports (many as works in progress at the Stone Center) and twenty-five chapters, and been co-author for three books. Dr. Jordan is the recipient of the 2010 Distinguished Psychologist Award from the American Psychological Association "in recognition of her outstanding accomplishments and significant lifetime contributions to the field of psychotherapy," as well as the Massachusetts Psychology Association's Career Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Advancement of Psychology as a Science and a Profession. Dr. Jordan also received a Special Award from the Feminist Therapy Institute "in recognition of outstanding contributions to the development of feminist psychology" (2002). She is on the editorial board of the  Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session  and the  Journal of Creativity and Mental Health.

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  Fredric E. Rabinowitz, Ph.D.

Deepening Psychotherapy with Men: Stories, Metaphors, & Road Trips
Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
University of Redlands

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Fredric E. Rabinowitz, Ph.D . is Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Redlands.  He is a popular professor, who has earned numerous teaching awards.  Since 1984, Dr. Rabinowitz has nurtured a private clinical practice in Redlands, CA that specializes in counseling men.  He has co-led a men’s group in Redlands for the past 26 years. His scholarship is based on his psychological work as a clinician and researcher of men. Dr. Rabinowitz has co-authored four books:  Breaking Barriers in Counseling Men: Insights and Innovations  (2013);  Deepening Psychotherapy with Men  (2002);  Men and Depression: Clinical and Empirical Perspectives  (2000); and  Man Alive: A Primer of Men’s Issues  (1994). He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Past President of APA Division 51: The Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity.  He regularly plays in the World Series of Poker and is known to his close friends as “Road Trip Fred.” He is an engaging personality and dynamic public speaker.

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