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A Conference Devoted to Promoting the Best Practices and Increasing Treatment Success in Counseling and Psychotherapy with Diverse Men

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Saturday, June 7, 2014
Titan Student Union
California State University, Fullerton

The National Psychotherapy with Men conference focuses on promoting the best clinical practices and increasing mental health treatment accessibility for boys and men. The conference will offer practices that will (a) help clinicians be more effective in their work with men; (b) encourage men to engage in mental health services; and (c) broaden the thinking about the diversity of men and men’s lives. The conference will include keynote addresses from two of the leading national voices on helping men, interactive workshops that focus on practical treatment options, and live demonstrations of actual counseling.

Registration is closed!

Men Conference

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Keynote Addresses:

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Raising Boys to Be Competent and Connected Men
Judith V. Jordan, Ph.D.,

Director of the  Jean Baker Training Institute
The Stone Center
Wellesley, MA

Deepening Psychotherapy with Men: Stories, Metaphors, &  Road Trips
Fredric E. Rabinowitz, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
University of Redlands

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